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Being Two

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Being Two

Being Two

Yes, the "terrible twos" have arrived. Many parents dread this time because they have been hearing from everyone how difficult it can be. But many parents also discover that it's not as "terrible" as they thought!

While it's true that toddlers can be tough, they are also lots of fun and full of life. You may see that your child has some typical toddler behaviors. But also you may see he is also a unique little person all his own. Your child's temperament and how well you get along together are important to how the "twos" will go. You both may make it through the "twos" with few major struggles. Or, you may find yourself challenged and exhausted every day!

Remember, a toddler's has an important job now. She needs to separate from parents and form a sense of herself as an individual. Toddlers develop a sense of self and their place in the world in several ways. They test their abilities, test limits and see how adults respond to them. They are not trying to make parents crazy on purpose. It just seems that way sometimes. Toddlers push you away one minute and cling to you the next. It may seem that you have two different toddlers at times, instead of one!

This period of growing and separating is very hard for toddlers. They are experiencing a range of moods, emotions, and needs that can be overwhelming. Easy going toddlers may be able to adjust to these intense experiences with not too much trouble. Other children may really struggle. Changes in routine, separations, and limit setting may be hard.

Toddlers have to do things by themselves and in their own way in order to define who they are. They need parents to be supportive as they work towards independence. This support makes toddlers feel good about themselves.

Adapted from Healthy Steps. Edited and Compiled by the Center for Promotion of Child Development Through Primary Care 2011

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