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Busy Hands

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Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


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Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Busy Hands

Busy Hands

You may be discovering that your growing toddler is getting more skilled at using his fingers. She can open jars, use crayons, turn pages in a book, build with blocks and get into everything! She is also getting better at using her eyes and hands together when holding things. The 2 1/2 year old can usually scribble with a crayon, and sometimes draw lines and circles on paper. Also their attention spans are probably longer than they were a few months ago. They will enjoy more focused activities. These include making pictures, looking at books, and playing with blocks, puzzles, and smaller toys. You may also discover that your toddler can now open doors and latches, so be alert! Your curious toddler may decide to go for a walk outside while you're in the shower!

Give your toddler a chance to practice eye-hand coordination. Try a making cookies from a box mix. Making or playing with Play Dough (using the recipe below) is also fun. Let your toddler pour, stir, and spread. Expect a big mess, so make sure you're in the mood for it! Try to enjoy it, and remember, your toddler will help you clean up!

To make Play Dough, try the following recipe: 1 Cup Flour
1 Cup Water
1 Tbs Oil
1/2 Cup Salt
1 Tsp Cream of Tartar
5 or so drops of food coloring

Combine ingredients. Cook over medium heat until mixture pulls away from sides of pot and starts to look like play dough. Knead until cool. Keeps 3 months unrefrigerated.

Adapted from Healthy Steps. Edited and Compiled by the Center for Promotion of Child Development Through Primary Care 2011

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