CHADIS Resources for Families

A Source of Information about Activities, Programs, Providers, Products and Information for Children and Parents

Found 7767 Compact Disc, Audio Tape, Software, Book, Video Game, Game, Electronic, Video and Equipment/Aid resources. Displaying results 7381 - 7390.
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The Illustrated Mum -- by Jacqueline Wilson (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "Covered from head to toe with one-of-a-kind tattoos, Marigold is the brightest, most beautiful mother in the world. At least, that's what Dolphin thinks—she just wishes Marigold...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time -- by Lisa Yee (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "Stanford Wong is having a bad summer. If he flunks his summer-school English class, he won't pass sixth grade. If that happens, he won't start on the A-team. If *that* happens,...

Ages 9 years - 12 years.

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When I Was a Soldier -- by Valérie Zenatti (Author) (Book - Parent/Child)

Product Description "What is it like to be a young woman in a war? At a time when Israel is in the news every day and politics in the Middle East are as complex as ever before, this story of one...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Elsewhere -- by Gabrielle Zevin (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "Welcome to Elsewhere. It is warm, with a breeze, and the beaches are marvelous. It's quiet and peaceful. You can't get sick or any older. Curious to see new paintings by Picasso?...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Family of Poems: My Favorite Poetry for Children -- by Caroline Kennedy (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "Caroline Kennedy has chosen a rich variety of Kennedy family favorite poems to include in this priceless collection. With thoughtful personal introductions written by Caroline...

Ages 4 years - 8 years.

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Home -- by Jeannie Baker (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "A family. A house. A neighborhood. A place to play. A place to feel safe. Little by little, baby Tracy grows. She and her neighbors begin to rescue their street....

Ages 4 years - 8 years.

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Baby Danced the Polka -- by Karen Beaumont (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "It's nap time on the farm, but one un-sleepy baby has a different plan... Will Baby do the cha-cha? Will Mama flip her wig? Will Baby dance the polka with a polka-dotted pig? ...

Ages 4 years - 8 years.

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Odd Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein -- by Don Brown (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "When he was born, Albert was a peculiar, fat baby with an unusually big and misshaped head. When he was older, he hit his sister, bothered his teachers, and didn't have many...

Ages 4 years - 8 years.

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Guji Guji -- by Chih-Yuan Chen (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description: "One day, an extra-large egg rolls right into Mother Duck's nest. She is busy reading and doesn't notice the new addition, but this lucky event will change her life. Her...

Ages 4 years - 8 years.

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The Neighborhood Mother Goose -- by Nina Crews (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "Every day, children the world over sing, shout, and celebrate Mother Goose rhymes. And now there's a new reason to cheer: Nina Crews has added her own remarkable, jazzy style...

All Ages

Age groups: Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5)

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