CHADIS Resources for Families

A Source of Information about Activities, Programs, Providers, Products and Information for Children and Parents

Found 7767 Compact Disc, Audio Tape, Software, Book, Video Game, Game, Electronic, Video and Equipment/Aid resources. Displaying results 391 - 400.
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Nutrition (Video - Parent)

"Nutrition is integrated with the growth and development of the individual from conception through adolescence. Each stage of development brings on new concerns such as the autonomy of the toddler and...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: NICU Staff Development: The Premie and the NICU Environment (Video - Parent)

"This video describes and illustrates the major stress reactions and self-comforting behaviors that can be observed in preterm infants. In addition, two major sources of overstimulation for the infant...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: NICU Staff Development: Premie Development: An Overview (Video - Parent)

"In this video the process of premie development is divided into three overlapping and interacting stages: the early premie (less than 30 weeks gestational age), the developing premie (30 to 35 weeks...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: NICU Staff Development: Positioning and Handling the High Risk Infant (Video - Parent)

"Positioning and handling techniques to be used with the premature infant are demonstrated in this videotape. Background information describes three major categories of risk that may contribute to an...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: NICU Staff Development: The Growing Premie (Video - Parent)

"This video demonstrates techniques that caregivers can use with the growing premie who is physiologically stable and gaining weight prior to being discharged home. Techniques include those which...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: NICU Staff Development: Helping Families in the Special Care Nursery (Video - Parent)

"This video begins with a discussion of feelings that parents of premature or ill infants often experience. The many different coping strategies that parents use when having a sick infant in a Special...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: NICU Parenting Tape: Parenting the Acutely Ill Infant (Video - Parent)

"This video provides support to families by helping them recognize the feelings and reactions they are experiencing as a part of parenting an acutely ill infant. Suggestions are given for parents to...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: NICU Parenting Tape: Parenting Growing Premie (Video - Parent)

"This video is directed toward parents of growing premies. Suggestions are made to parents to enable them to expand their caregiving role in preparation for discharge. Activities such as holding the...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: PEDS Staff Development: Promoting the Development of Infants with Prolonged Hospitalization (Video - Parent)

"This video illustrates ways that nursing staff can promote the development of hospitalized infants by adjusting caregiving routines, encouraging appropriate play, and positioning and handling the...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5)

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Developmental Intervention for Hospitalized Infants: PEDS Staff Development: Helping Families of Infants with Prolonged Hospitalization (Video - Parent)

"Four ways that pediatric staff can help families with prolonged hospitalization are discussed in this video. First, suggestions are demonstrated for promoting successful interactions between infants...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5)

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