CHADIS Resources for Families

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Found 12 resources for Association for Addiction Professionals. Displaying all results.
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The Substance Abuse Professional's U.S. DOT Alcohol And Drug Testing Regulation Qualification Course (Program)

A faxed copy of the license/certification being used to support the SAP practice under Federal DOT regulations MUST accompany or follow this order. Licensed physician (Doctor of Medicine or...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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The Substance Abuse Professional's U.S. DOT Alcohol And Drug Testing Regulation Qualification Course (Info for Clinician)

A faxed copy of the license/certification being used to support the SAP practice under Federal DOT regulations MUST accompany or follow this order. Licensed physician (Doctor of Medicine or...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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Clinical Supervision of Alcohol and Drug Counselors: An Independent Study Course (Info for Clinician)

Developed for NAADAC by Thomas G. Durham, MA, CADC of ETP, Inc., this course guides the learner through the text, a workbook of learning exercises, and assignments designed to provide insight into the...

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Buprenorphine's Role in Opiate Treatment (Info for Clinician)

In the interest of preparing counselors to assist physicians in the direct care for the opiate addicted individuals, NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals, offers this training manual as...

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How to Advocate: A Call to Action (Info for Clinician)

Have you ever wanted to become more active in your local, state, or federal government, but you are not sure how to get started? You are not alone. To help in your efforts, NAADAC has developed How to...

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Perceptual Adjustment Therapy: A Positive Approach to Addictions Treatment (Info for Clinician)

This book, designed specifically for addiction treatment professionals, offers an approach to addiction therapy by addressing the client's perceptions and what can be done to change them. Perceptual...

All Ages

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The FACE Screening For Pre-Dependency and Substance Abuse (Info for Clinician)

An important responsibility of any physician or professional is recognizing chemical dependency to medication. Equally important to the health of the patient is identifying a potential dependency...

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Dynamics of Money in Treatment: Helping Your Clients Create Financial Health (Info for Clinician)

When a client begins treatment for psychoactive chemical abuse, the counselor should not only provide the resources necessary to stop abusing, but also the tools needed to maintain a healthy and...

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Income and Compensation Study of Alcohol and Drug Counseling Professionals (Info for Clinician)

This is the second study sponsored by the NAADAC Education and Research Foundation, of annual incomes and related characteristics of alcohol and drug counselors across the United States. The results...

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Ethics: An Independent Study Course (Info for Clinician)

Designed by Charlotte Chapman, MS, past chair of the NAADAC Ethics Committee, this independent study is comprised of three parts. First, the Manual provides counselors and other AOD professionals with...

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