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Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle: A Fictional Account of Charles Darwin's Work and Adventures During the Five-Year Long Voyage

Resource Type

Book - Child


"This delightful episodic biography of Charles Darwin lets readers experience a sea voyage around the world in a 19th Century English three-masted brig. In December 1831, the ship, HMS beagle, set sial from England to chart the shoreline and coastal waters of important landmarks and routes. Young Charles Darwin was on board as a companion to Captain Fitzroy and as a naturalist. During the five-year voyage, Darwin studied plants, animals, fossils, and geology. Events throughout the five years are described by three narrators: the author Darwin or Ben Sweet, a fictionalized young boy, with who readers will identify. Darwin explains to Ben the facts and theories about the natural world; he hypothesizes about the law of the jungle, insect disguises for survival and the importance of adaptability to environment." From School Library Journal


All Ages

Age Groups

School Age (6-12)






Felicia Law


1985 Andrea Deutsch


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