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Calming Baby at the End of the Day

Resource Type

Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


Calming Baby at the End of the Day parent text


All Ages

Age Groups

Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Calming Baby at the End of the Day

Calming Baby at the End of the Day

Imagine, parents and babies are coming to the end of an active day. Everyone may be ready to settle down. This is a time when routines can be especially important for your baby. The nighttime routine you create for your baby will provide comfort and security. Routines help your baby and growing child understand how you expect them to behave. Knowing that caring limits are in place helps children feel secure. You can change routines as your child grows and develops, or as your needs change. You may choose to get rid of some parts of a routine, but to add new ideas as you need or want.

Here are some ideas about helping your child to wind down at the end of the day:

  • Speak and act like slowly (like Mr. Rogers!)
  • Play quietly in a familiar space with only a few toys (others are put away)
  • Low lighting
  • Talk softly
  • Sing softly or play soothing, soft music
  • Put baby in an infant swing
  • Rock your child
  • Give baby a soothing bath:
    • Have everything ready before you put your baby in the water: run the water; check the temperature; gather soap, shampoo, towel, clean clothing, diaper, and toys.
    • This can be a time for quiet play with safe water toys
    • Talk to your baby as you wash him.
    • You may sing the same "bath" song each evening.
    • Wrap your baby in a warm towel and gently dry him. This can be nurturing and quieting.
    • Dress your child in soft clothes for bed. This can help your child feel comfortable and ready for bed.
  • When it is bedtime, try these things:
    • Play soft music or white noise
    • Read or tell a short story together.
    • Kisses and a hug

Adapted from Healthy Steps.

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