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Definition of Parasomnia, Not Otherwise Specified Parent text School age

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Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


Definition/criteria for Parasomnia, Not Otherwise Specified


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School Age (6-12)

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Parasomnia, Not Otherwise Specified

Parasomnia, Not Otherwise Specified

You said that your child does some unusual things when s/he is sleeping, falling asleep, or waking up. You said your child has one of the following sleep-related problems:

  • Your child's arms and legs move around a lot while s/he is sleeping-sometimes in an aggressive way. This happens during the deepest part of sleep. This usually happens later in the night. Your child is able to remember his/her dreams.
  • Your child is unable to move his/her arms or legs. This usually happens when your child is falling asleep or as s/he is waking up. When this happens your child may be very nervous. Your child may worry about lots of things. Sometimes children say they are afraid of dying.
  • Your child has some sleep problems. Your child's doctor does not know if there is a medical reason for these problems or not.

Some children with these types of sleep problems have a disorder called Parasomnia, NOS. You said your child's trouble sleeping is causing problems. Your child's trouble sleeping may be causing problems for him/her at home or school. It may also be causing trouble with how s/he gets along with you or other children.

Adapted in part from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) (1994) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Primary Care (DSM-PC) (1996).

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