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Billy and the Bad Teacher

Resource Type

Book - Child


"Clements's original story and Savadier's wacky illustrations will have students and teachers rolling out of their chairs. Billy is the perfect student-a neat, prompt rule-follower-as a matter of fact, he's a bit compulsive. So, when he gets Mr. Adams, a thoroughly unorthodox teacher, he makes a list of the man's many infractions: he teases other teachers, chews bubble gum, laughs too loudly, runs in the hall (when he's late), and takes little naps at teachers' meetings. No one notices but the vigilant Billy. After two weeks, the boy makes four copies of his long list and writes a short note to the principal, the mayor, the governor, and the president. He is not going to have any more trouble with Mr. Adams. Then, he makes another list of the attributes his new teacher should have, only to discover that Mr. Adams fills the bill exactly." --School Library Journal (


All Ages

Age Groups

Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12)






Andrew Clements


1992 Simon & Schuster Children's


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