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Breastfeeding and Psychiatric Medications

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Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


Breastfeeding and Psychiatric Medications parent text


All Ages

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Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Breastfeeding and Psychiatric Medications

Breastfeeding and Psychiatric Medications

If you are planning to nurse your baby you should be aware that small amounts of medication pass into breast milk. In some cases, there are ways to reduce a baby's exposure to a mother's medication. For example, you can time doses to post-feeding sleep periods. Talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of nursing while taking psychiatric drugs. That way you can decide what is best for you and your baby.

Adapted from NIMH (2002). Medications (4th edition). NIH Publication No. 02-3929. Accessed on October 24, 2005 at

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