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The Study of the Child: History and Trends

Resource Type

Video - Parent


"Historically, children and their development have not been a major concern. Before the seventeenth century children were viewed as miniature adults who were fundamentally evil and needed strong discipline. Parents raised their children according to traditional beliefs which they accepted without question. The new view of childhood and children began to surface with John Locke in the seventeenth century. His writings and those of others influenced scientists to begin the study and observation of children. These observations revealed trends in child growth and development and led to the formulation of theories about how children grow, learn, feel, relate, and think. This tape covers this fascinating history and describes how research today has advanced with the selection of different types of child study and advanced methods devised out of technology." -Child Development Media, Inc.


All Ages

Age Groups

Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)




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