Video - Parent
"The act of bathing a child provides a unique and important opportunity for the development of love and communication between adult and child. During free play the infant encounters the reality of the physical world and discovers himself. This also occurs during bathing, but here the infant experiences reality through his relationship with the adult, and this relationship in itself becomes an object of interest to him. The infant switches his attention from his surroundings to the adult and back again, and from the words and actions of the adult back to his own body. But this happens only when the infant is considered as an active partner by a sensitive adult eager to respond to the signals offered by the child and ready to allow the infant to share in the care he is getting. A subtle communication may develop between both partners which increases the infant's self-awareness and shapes his relationship to the adult..." -Child Development Media, Inc.
All Ages
Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5)
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