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Kid to Kid: Staying Safe!

Resource Type

Video - Parent/Child

Description If it's time to start teaching your children to beware of strangers, it also might be time to watch Kid to Kid: Staying Safe! with them. Cohost Nicole, who looks to be about 10, says such things as "Some people touch your private parts...; they are called child molesters," and a staged abduction is presented to show how a child should try to escape from a car. Big fears are confronted: why are kids targets for bad people, who are bad people, and how can kids avoid looking like a target? In the interactive "what if" game, led by Dr. Loretta Long (Susan on Sesame Street), make-believe frightening situations are posed: what should you do if someone grabs you and tries to take you away? Informational, but amateurish, this production imparts enough scary details to keep your child awake for weeks. Screen it before deciding whether to watch it with your child. --Valerie J. Nelson


All Ages

Age Groups

Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12)




1999 Loretta Long (director)

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