"This computer database program helps centers and agencies use ASQ more efficiently. It creates an individual file for each child that includes contact information, demographic information, ASQ screening results, and notes. After users enter answers to ASQ questions into the child's record, the program tabulates scores, identifies areas in which the child needs further assessment, formats questionnaire information into a printable document for sharing with parents, and generates a letter to the parents explaining the results. The program can also generate reports of all children in the center, helping users identify which children need to be screened on a month by month basis, which children need follow-up assessment, and more. The ASQ Manager comes with a detailed Software User's Guide and 6 Steps to Screening Success. A concise guide that includes printable forms, 6 Steps shows programs how to establish a developmental screening and monitoring plan for all children" (from the Brookes Publishing website).
4 months - 5 years.
Sharon Carnahan Ph.D., Robin Katz M.Ed.
2006 Brookes Publishing
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