Organization - Private, Non-Profit
This small group home provides quality, residential services for females ages 10-17 years old with significant social/emotional disturbance or mental retardation, including adolescent females who are chronic runaways whose needs have not been met in their families and require out of home placement. This program believes that all children and youth are special and unique, that they have rights, choices and preferences. This program prepares children for dealing with the real world and helps integrate them into the community as well as their families.
10 years - 17 years.
Mental Health-Psychiatry, Mental Health-Psychology, Mental Health-Social Work, Mental Health-Counseling, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Psychiatry & Neurology, Case Management, Sexual Abuse Therapy, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist (OT), Dance Therapist, Music Therapist, Recreational Therapist, Nutritionist
Jane E Ezeigwe
910 Anne Street
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Phone: 301-931-8422
Fax: 301-962-9531
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