CHADIS Resources for Families

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Found 0 Categories in Psychological Disorders Associated with Medical Condition.
Found 133 Resources in Psychological Disorders Associated with Medical Condition. Displaying results 1 - 10.
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Cracked: Recovering After Traumatic Brain Injury -- by Lynsey Calderwood (Author) (Book - Parent/Child)

"Text provides a biography of Lynsey Calderwood's struggle with brain injury. Provides insight into the emotions and social issues dealt with during recovery and in everyday life." Jessica Kingsley...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21), Adulthood (22+)

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Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice -- by Glen Gabbard (Author) (Book)

"Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, Third Edition expands and deepens the material in this already classic text. It provides a truly integrative psychodynamic approach that draws on...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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Psychiatric Management in Neurological Disease -- by Edward Lauterbach (Author) (Book)

"Much of the vast terrain of neurological brain disorders lies beyond our understanding, waiting to be discovered. Complicating our knowledge of and ability to treat these disorders is that they often...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Forensic Psychiatry -- by Robert Simon, Liza Gold (Authors) (Book)

"This practical textbook makes this interesting specialty accessible to trainees and seasoned practitioners. With its detailed glossary of legal terms, subject index, and index of legal cases, it will...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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The Psychology of Illness :In Sickness and In Health -- by Richard Druss (Author) (Book)

"The Psychology of Illness: In Sickness and In Health serves as a guide for therapists working with chronically ill patients. It weaves together theory, clinical experience, case examples, and...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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International Review of Psychiatry: Volume 2 -- by Carol Nadelson, Felice Lieh-Mak (Authors) (Book)

"International Review of Psychiatry, Volume 2, is the collaboration of the American Psychiatric Press, Inc., (APPI) and the worldwide network of eminent specialists of the World Psychiatric...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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Boarding Time: The Psychiatry Candidate's New Guide to Part II of the ABPN Examination -- by James Morrison, Rodrigo Muņoz (Authors) (Book)

"Why should psychiatrists become certified? Board certification today is not just a mark of excellence that qualifies psychiatrists for more pay; it also has become a necessity?required by hospitals,...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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How to Break Bad News: A Guide for Health Care Professionals -- by Robert Buckman (Author) (Book)

"An expert in breaking bad news is not someone who gets it right every time; she or he is merely someone who gets it wrong less often, and who is less flustered when things do not go smoothly."--from...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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The Wellness Toolbox (Video - Parent)

Part of The Creating Wellness Series, "The Wellness Toolbox introduces the concept of "wellness tools" - simple actions that anyone can do to feel better and stay well. Participants discuss with Ms....

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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American Cancer Society -- Mid Atlantic Division, Inc. (Program)

Society offers resources, information & guidance for all cancer related questions. Patients guided to local people/places who can help solve problems faced upon diagnosis. Many free services for...

Ages 18 years - 65 years.

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