CHADIS Resources for Families

A Source of Information about Activities, Programs, Providers, Products and Information for Children and Parents

Found 0 Categories in Female.
Found 126 Resources in Female. Displaying results 41 - 50.
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When Girls Feel Fat: Helping Girls Through Adolescence -- by Sandra Friedman (Author) (Book - Parent)

"When Girls Feel Fat" provides clear and proven strategies to deal with conflict, to recognize when "worries about weight" may lead to more serious problems, to maintain a connection when girls 'tune...

All Ages

Age groups: Adolescence (13-21)

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As Girls Grow Up (Book - Child)

Answers questions, discusses concerns, and provides the facts girls need to know as they approach puberty. Explains how the reproductive system matures, describes the menstrual cycle, and more. Also...

Ages 12 years - 14 years.

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The Girl's Guide to Boys and Sex -- by Joely Carey (Author) (Book)

"Here's a book that tells every girl what they should know about boys, and what boys really want from girls. The author advises girls on how to deal with emerging sexual emotions and how to say no to...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Yikes!: A Smart Girl's Guide to Surviving Tricky, Sticky, Icky Situations -- by Nancy Holyoke (Author) (Book)

"Girl guidance-and all-out fun-abounds in an array of smart and sassy titles. The first, Yikes! A Smart Girl's Guide to Surviving Tricky, Sticky, Icky Situations from the editors of American Girl,...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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A Very Touchy Subject -- by Todd Strasser (Author) (Book - Child)

"The summer before Scott's senior year, when his libido is especially high, he befriends his neighbor, a troubled girl of questionable repute, and suprisingly develops a new slant on life." From Card...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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The Rainbow Tulip -- by Pat Mora (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "Stella loves her family and her Mexican heritage, but she doesn't always like being different from the other kids at school. Now her class is going to dance around the Maypole at...

All Ages

Age groups: Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5)

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Show Way -- by Jacqueline Woodson (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "Soonie's great-grandma was just seven years old when she was sold to a big plantation without her ma and pa, and with only some fabric and needles to call her own. She pieced...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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Ella Sarah Gets Dressed -- by Margaret Chodos-Irvine (Author) (Book - Child)

Product Description "Ella Sarah may be little, but she has a BIG sense of style--and it isn't at all like that of her mother, father, and older sister. Yet they all want her to dress just like them!...

All Ages

Age groups: Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5)

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The Sex Book: An Alphabet of Smarter Love -- by Jane Pavanel (Author) (Book - Parent)

"A former teacher, Canadian writer Jane Pavanel confronts difficult topics directly and candidly in The Sex Book: An Alphabet of Smarter Love. Encyclopedic entries and Q&A sections break down such...

All Ages

Age groups: Adolescence (13-21)

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Girl Stuff: A Survival Guide to Growing Up -- by Elissa Guest, Margaret Blackstone (Authors) (Book - Child)

"Are You Worried about getting your period, wondering how to get rid of that zit, confused about all these changes in your body and facing all sorts of new choices? Most of all, are you wondering: Am...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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