CHADIS Resources for Families

A Source of Information about Activities, Programs, Providers, Products and Information for Children and Parents

Found 31 Categories in Family Life/Social Support.
Found 1169 Resources in Family Life/Social Support. Displaying results 261 - 270.
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Almost a Hero -- by Clyde Bulla (Author) (Book - Child)

"A boy who grows up in a harsh orphanage returns to it as a young man, determined to revenge himself on those who caused his suffering, only to find his feelings have changed." From Card Catalog

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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A Taste of Blackberries -- by Doris Smith (Author) (Book - Child)

"In Smith's moving story, a prank ends in tragedy, and a boy must learn to live not only with the loss of a friend, but with the feeling that he could have prevented it." From Publishers Weekly

All Ages

Age groups: Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12)

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Rascal: A Memoir of a Better Era -- by Sterling North (Author) (Book - Child)

"The author's carefree life in a small midwestern town at the close of World War I, and his adventures with his pet raccoon, Rascal." From Card Catalog

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Life On Earth: A Natural History -- by David Attenborough (Author) (Book - Child)

"A beautifully illustrated natural science based book based on the TV series. A good family resource." From Choosing Books for Kids

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Worcester County Mental Health Clinic (Organization - Governmental)

Core Service Agency for Worcester County, Maryland

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Family T.I.E.S. Network (Online - Parent)

"Family T.I.E.S. Network assists families: To discover information about their child's abilities and potential. To access and use educational, community, and medical resources. To become...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)

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Premarital & Remarital Counseling: The Professional's Handbook -- by Robert Stahmann, William Hiebert (Authors) (Book)

"Following the success of the first two editions of this book, the authors updated their indispensable guide on the process and content of premarital counseling. In this revised edition, they have...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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Transcultural Child Development: Psychological Assessment and Treatment -- by Gloria Johnson-Powell, Joe Yamamoto (Authors) (Book)

"Is the Asian child you're assessing suffering from introversion and lack of self-confidence, or is her quiet demeanor simply a reflection of strongly held cultural values?piety, modesty, and respect...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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Age Appropriate Play: The First Four Years: 3 Volume Set (Video - Parent)

As an educator, you have the crucial role of helping parents and caregivers build healthy families. InJoy's Age-Appropriate Play: The First Four Years is the perfect tool! This comprehensive...

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5)

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Amanda's Birth (Video - Parent)

"A teen mom, Amanda labors with the support of her boyfriend and family. She uses several coping techniques and squats to push her baby out. (pv)"--Injoy Video

All Ages

Age groups: Infancy (<1)

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