CHADIS Resources for Families

A Source of Information about Activities, Programs, Providers, Products and Information for Children and Parents

Found 3 Categories in Emotions.
Found 1436 Resources in Emotions. Displaying results 391 - 400.
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Cutting Edge Medicine -- by Nada Stotland (Author) (Book)

"Cutting-Edge Medicine: What Psychiatrists Need to Know offers a comprehensive overview of recent developments in cardiovascular illness, gastrointestinal disorders, transplant medicine, and...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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Psychological Trauma -- by Rachel Yehuda (Author) (Book)

"Psychological Trauma reviews the theory of traumatic exposure as a major factor in psychological disorders like PTSD. It also addresses the differing outcomes of such exposure as well as exciting...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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ChIPS--Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes -- by Mary Fristad, Elizabeth Weller, Ronald Weller, Marijo Rooney (Authors) (Book)

"Based on strict DSM-IV criteria and validated in 12 years of studies, ChIPS and P-ChIPS?the parent version of the interview?are brief and simple to administer. Questions are succinct, simply worded,...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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Adolescent Psychiatry -- by Marcia Slomowitz (Author) (Book)

"Using as its framework a biopsychosocial approach, Adolescent Psychotherapy presents and discusses several models of psychotherapy. The contributors use a social systems approach to conceptualize the...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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Concise Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry -- by MaryBeth Lake, D. Richard Martini, Mina Dulcan (Authors) (Book)

"Concise Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is an ideal resource for novices?practical, easy-to-understand, and small enough to carry in a jacket pocket. The Third Edition of this invaluable...

All Ages

Age groups: Adulthood (22+)

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The Real Thief -- by William Steig (Author) (Book - Child)

"Who hasn't known the sickening, demoralizing feeling of being falsely accused? In the Real Thief, William Steig explores this injustice with the keen insight of a good psychologist and the skillful...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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How I Hunted the Little Fellows -- by Boris Zhitkov (Author) (Book - Child)

"Fascinated by the life-like miniature of a steamer on his grandmother's shelf, a young boy becomes convinced that there are little people inside and ignoring the admonition not to touch, decides to...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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The Shrinking of Treehorn -- by Florence Parry (Author) (Book - Child)

"Treehorn is clearly shrinking, and his parents aren't the least bit interested. His mother is obsessed with whether or not cake will rise. His father, at one point addressing a son who can barely see...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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Merry, Merry FIBruary -- by Doris Orgel (Author) (Book - Child)

"The funniest things occur in the month of Fibruary--fish go peopling snow turns to ice cream, and babies are delivered by rocket." Card Catalog

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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Nobody's Family Is Going to Change -- by Louise Fitzhugh (Author) (Book - Child)

"At 11, Emily has a mind like a steel trap and her heart set on becoming a lawyer, much to the disgust of Mr. Sheridan, himself an attorney, who favors Willie, her brother, for such a profession. But...

All Ages

Age groups: School Age (6-12)

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