A Day in the Life of an Architect | Architecture vlog (Video - Child)
Video on daily life of architecture
Ages 12 years - 18 years.
Beginning Graphic Design: Fundamentals (Video - Child)
Video that goes over basis of graphic design
Ages 14 years - 18 years.
Day in the Life of a Corporate Banker | J.P. Morgan (Video - Child)
Short video that briefly gives insight on what it's like to be a banker
Ages 14 years - 18 years.
Banking Explained ? Money and Credit (Video - Child)
Short video that discusses money and credit
Ages 13 years - 18 years.
A Day in the Life of an Entrepreneur (Video - Child)
A short 'Day in the Life of' video on running a business. This is the most realistic 'day in the life of' video I could find for this career. I think it gives a relatively honest look at what it means...
Ages 14 months and up.
The Secret of How to Think Like an Entrepreneur (Video - Child)
A somewhat long video (~20 minutes) that talks about thinking like an entrepreneur
Ages 14 months and up.
The Making of A Young Entrepreneur: Gabrielle Jordan Williams at TEDxRockCreekPark (Video - Child)
A short video about the experiences of a young entrepreneur.
All Ages
How To Master 5 Basic Cooking Skills | Gordon Ramsay (Video - Child)
Short video on basic cooking skills. Good for beginners (and bad cooks).
All Ages
Chef de cuisine (Video - Child)
Series of videos exploring a current chef's job and experiences
Ages 12 years - 18 years.
I Wanna Be a Child Care Worker (Video - Child)
Short video on what it's like to work in childcare
Ages 14 years - 18 years.