On the Go With Baby: A Stress Free Guide to Getting Across Town or Around the World -- by Ericka Lutz (Author) (Book - Parent)
"Between the diapers, carriage, changes of clothing, toys and other paraphernalia, sometimes it's simpler to just stay home. A parent and inveterate traveler herself, Lutz shares her own experiences...
Ages 13 years and up.
Guerrilla Learning: How to Give Your Kids a Real Education With or Without School -- by Grace Llewellyn (Author) (Book - Parent)
"The authors offer five fundamental principles opportunity, timing, freedom, interest, and support that, they claim, will transform the way we relate to our children and greatly assist them in growing...
Ages 13 years and up.
The KidsHealth Guide for Parents : Birth to Age 5 -- by Steven Dowshen (Author) (Book - Parent)
"The pediatricians behind the celebrated KidsHealth website have created a jargon-free, comprehensive guide unlike any baby book you've ever read before. Full of the latest research on child...
Ages 13 years and up.
Attention Deficit Disorder -- by Barbara Sheen (Author) (Book - Parent)
"Gr 6-10-In her discussion of a disorder affecting many children and adults, Sheen covers its history, diagnosis, treatment, and solutions to some everyday problems associated with it. She...
Ages 13 years and up.
Ruby's Potty -- by Paul Rogers (Author) (Book - Child)
""Ruby's got a potty. She rides it round the floor. The trouble is, she doesn't know Just what a potty's for." So begins Paul and Emma Rogers's sweet description of the titular mouse in Ruby's Potty,...
Ages 2 years - 5 years.
What Baby Needs -- by William Sears (Author) (Book - Child)
"The picture-book branch of the acclaimed Sears Parenting Library makes its debut with these two informative and helpful books for young siblings-to-be. Baby on the Way speaks to every child expecting...
Ages 3 years - 10 years.
One of the Problems of Everett Anderson -- by Lucille Clifton (Author) (Book - Child)
"One of the Problems of Everett Anderson, the eighth by Lucille Clifton, illus. by Ann Grifalconi, gently and sensitively addresses the issue of child abuse. After Everett notices bruises and scars on...
Ages 5 years - 9 years.
Smart Boys: Talent, Manhood, and the Search for Meaning -- by Barbara Kerr (Author) (Book - Parent)
"Explores the relationship of special intellectual ability to the role of males in American society, and describes the impact of giftedness on boys' academic and social adjustment. The authors...
All Ages
Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages -- by Harold Bloom (Author) (Book - Child)
"... Here are old favorites by beloved writers of children's literature, as well as exciting rediscoveries and wonderful works penned by writers better known for their adult classics, such as Herman...
All Ages
Age groups: Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12), Adolescence (13-21)
Games with Books: 28 of the Best Children's Books and How to Use Them to Help Your Child Learn--From -- by Peggy Kaye (Author) (Book - Child)
"Peggy Kaye, author of Games for Learning, suggests using The Carrot Seed to teach early measurement concepts and Charlotte's Web to introduce multisyllabic words in Games with Books: Twenty-eight of...
Ages 3 years - 8 years.