Catholic Charities, Community Division Hispanic Apostolate (Program)
Provides assistance to Spanish-speaking persons/families.
Ages 12 months and up.
St. Jerome's Head Start (Program)
St. Jerome's Head Start is a federally funded program providing academic skills training to children from low-income families. The program enables children to be better prepared when entering...
Ages 6 months - 4 years.
St. Veronica's Head Start (Program)
St. Veronica's Head Start is a federally funded family development program serving children and adults from low-income families. The program enables children to be better prepared when entering...
Ages 6 months - 4 years.
Christopher's Place Employment Academy (Program)
Christopher Place Employment Academy provides training for job readiness, career and interpersonal skills, and independent living to formerly homeless men. The residential program assists participants...
Ages 18 years - 65 years.