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Signs of readiness for solids

Resource Type

Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


Discusses signs that suggest baby may be ready for solids, as well as strategies for introducing solids such as cereal into baby's diet.


All Ages

Age Groups

Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Signs of readiness for solids

Signs of readiness for solids

You may know your baby is ready for solid food when he can do these things.

  • Holds his head up without help
  • Reaches for the spoon and wants your food
  • Can suck food off a spoon without gagging or pushing the food back out
  • Starts being hungry sooner even when offered all the milk he wants.

You can see if your baby is ready by mixing infant rice cereal with breast milk or formula; make it a soupy consistency. Place a small amount on baby's tongue with a baby spoon. Give this several tries. If food comes right back out or baby has difficulty swallowing, you should wait a week or two before trying again.

Adapted from Healthy Steps. Edited and Compiled by the Center for Promotion of Child Development Through Primary Care 2011

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