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Management: Constipation and diarrhea

Resource Type

Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


Suggests foods that both cause and help with constipation and diarrhea, including the 'BRAT' and 'ABC' diets.


All Ages

Age Groups

Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3)

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Management: Constipation and diarrhea

Management: Constipation and diarrhea

Foods that cause constipation:

  • Applesauce
  • Bananas
  • Rice
  • Milk
  • Dry cereal

Foods that cause looser stools (but help constipation)

  • ANY fruit with the letter "p" in the name (pears, plums, prunes, apricots, apple juice)
  • Grapes-only give cut-up under age 3 years
  • Water
  • Raisins (don't give to babies under age 3 years)

To help with diarrhea and vomiting, small pieces of popsicles work very well. They provide a source of fluid in small amounts at a time, and give your child some calories. When stools slow down to loose remember the BRAT diet. "B" is for bananas, "R" is for rice, "A" is for apples, and "T" is for toast! and jello. Also, for loose stools the ABC diet may be helpful. "A" is for apples, "B" is for bananas, and "C" is for carrots!

Adapted from Jellinek MS. Bright Futures in Practice, Mental Health (2002).

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