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Normal stools

Resource Type

Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


Knowing what a normal stool is helps to determine if your child has a problem. Normal stools do not hurt, are not huge, and are not accompanied by blood. Other facts are listed.


All Ages

Age Groups

Infancy (<1), Toddlerhood (1-3), Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12)

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Normal stools

Normal stools

All kids' bodies' work differently. What is normal for one child may not be for another. Keeping that in mind, here are some guidelines for assessing normal stools.

  • Normal stools are not huge and do not block the toilet.
  • Normal stools do not hurt to pass. No matter how often your child has a bowel movement it shouldn't hurt.
  • Normal stools are not accompanied by blood.

The frequency of stools varies by age, diet and other factors. Here are some averages according to age. Remember these are only averages.

  • Babies can have bowel movements at every feeding or as far apart as once a week. Breast fed infants tend to have more bowel movements.
  • About 95% of kids age 2 and older have bowel movements from once every other day to twice a day.

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