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General Principals for Helping your Child Cope with Anxiety

Resource Type

Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


Provides general suggestions for coping with anxiety such as avoiding caffine, reassuring fears, using relaxation training, and maintaining consistent routines.


All Ages

Age Groups

Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5), School Age (6-12)

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General Principals for Helping your Child Cope with Anxiety

General Principals for Helping your Child Cope with Anxiety

(General information for all disorders, problems, and variations of ps and sa)


  • Avoid foods, drinks, or medicines with caffeine such as coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, Excedrin, Anacin. Caffeine can make people feel "nervous" and "jittery"
  • All children, especially anxious children, should find something that they are good at to develop self-esteem. Having a "strength" builds confidence. When children feel confident in one area, they can use that feeling and apply it to other areas.
  • Help your child talk about his or her fears without judging them.
  • If your child is scared about something (for example: dogs, storms, trains) begin by showing pictures and reading about it
  • Praise your child for being able to talk or learn about his/her fear
  • Reassure your child that he/she is safe with a brief explanation and discuss methods to stay safe.
  • Let your child know that he/she is normal for having fears
  • If your child has developed physical symptoms from the anxiety, don't overreact to them

Relaxation training

  • Teaching children to use relaxation tapes may also provide a feeling of control for your child.

Use routines and consistency

  • Daily routines, including bedtime rituals help children feel safe
    • Have your child use the same routine every morning to get ready for school and every evening to get ready for bed- this consistency reassures the child that things are predictable and under control.
  • Be predictable

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