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ASQ Social-Emotional Development Parent Handout 8-12 Months

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Parent Handouts and Info - Parent


Social-Emotional Development Parent Handout 8-12 Months ASQ


8 months - 12 months.

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ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Infants 8-12 Months Old Focus on: Social-Emotional Development

ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Infants 8-12 Months Old
Focus on: Social-Emotional Development

This document is available in PDF format if you prefer.

Exploring New Things.
New places and people are good experiences for your baby, but these can be frightening. Let your baby watch and listen and move at her own speed. Go slowly. Your baby will let you know when she is ready for more.

Feeding Oneself.
This gives your baby practice picking up small objects (cereal, cooked peas) and also gives him experience with textures in his hands and mouth. Soon your baby will be able to finger feed an entire meal.

Hide-and-Seek Games with Objects.
Let your baby see you hide an object under a blanket, diaper, or pillow, or behind a book. If your baby doesn't uncover the object, just cover part of it. Help your baby find the object.

Imitating Gestures.
Say "hi" and wave when entering a room with your baby. Encourage your baby to imitate. Help your baby wave to others. Waving "hi" and "bye" are early gestures.

Imitation Games.
Show pleasure at your baby's imitations of movements and sounds. Peek-a-boo and So Big are great examples. Babies enjoy playing the same games over and over.

Clap his hands together or take turns. Wait and see if your baby signals you to start the game again. Try the game using blocks or spoons to clap and bang with.

Play Ball.
Roll a ball to your baby. Help your baby, or have a partner help him roll the ball back to you. Your baby may even throw the ball, so soft balls are great for this game.

Taking a Look in the Mirror.
Mirrors are exciting at this age. Let your baby pat and poke at herself in the mirror. Smile and make faces together in the mirror.

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

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