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Age Appropriate Play: Volume 1: The First 12 Months

Resource Type

Book - Parent


"Help parents lay the foundation in early childhood for healthy cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development with this three-video set, covering the crucial first four years of life. Each volume teaches parents and caregivers age-appropriate play that ensures every child will have the attention and stimulus they need to flourish physically and emotionally. The video also increases the satisfaction parents experience as they better understand their child's responses, and the important role their interaction plays in healthy development. Volume 1: The First 12 Months Holding, gazing and talking for bonding and stimulation Providing open and safe spaces for learning new gross motor skills Assisting with the emergence of self-awareness using simple games Playing with household objects to develop fine motor skills"--Injoy Videos


All Ages

Age Groups

Infancy (<1)




2002 Injoy Video


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