"The manual is divided into four sections: ? Decision Points in the Evaluation of Child Sexual Abuse ? The Medical History for Child Sexual Abuse ? The Medical Examination for Child Sexual Abuse ? Medical-Legal Issues in Child Sexual AbuseBased on clinical cases, each section of the text sets out learner objectives, presents cases, asks specific study questions, and then provides answers and discussion. Evaluating Child Sexual Abuse can be used as a quick home-based self-study training program and as a continuing reference, as well as in residency training for pediatric, obstetric/gynecology, family practice, or emergency medicine, and in postresidency child abuse fellowship training. Botash recognizes that the role of skilled medical providers goes beyond examining children and referring them to multiple services."--JHU Press
All Ages
Adulthood (22+)
Ann S. Botash M.D.
2000 The Johns Hopkins University Press
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