Organization - Private, Non-Profit
Caravan House is a six-bed group home providing 24-hour therapeutic care, independent living skills training and academic support for teenage girls ages 12 to 18. Caravan House residents are most commonly referred to ACS from Santa Clara and San Mateo County agencies as the result of failed foster placements, family conflict, abuse, or neglect. The purpose of Caravan House is to provide a therapeutic environment in which these girls can live, heal and grow in order to become healthy and happy adults
All Ages
Adulthood (22+)
1717 Embarcadero Rd, Ste 4000
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: (650) 424-0852
Fax: (650) 424-9853
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Connie Mayer LMFT
Phone: (650) 424-0852
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See resources related to Caravan House Adolescent Counseling Services.
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