Sibling Relationships DTW

  1. Key Points
  2. Management
  3. Potential Challenge Probes
  4. Citations

Key Points


General Advice (See Also: Helping Siblings Get Along PT)

Preparing for and Managing the Arrival of New Siblings (See Also: Helping Siblings Adjust to the New Baby PT)

Sibling Fights (See Also: Sibling fights and bullying PT)

Potential Challenge Probes


  1. Brazelton, T.B. (1992). Touchpoints: Your child's emotional and behavioral development.
  2. Brody, G.H., Stoneman, Z., Burke, M. (1987). Child temperaments, maternal differential behavior, and sibling relationships. .
  3. Bryant, B.K., Crockenberg, S.B. (1980). Correlates and dimensions of prosocial behavior: A study of female siblings with their mothers. .
  4. Daniels, D., Dunn, J., Furstenberg, F.F., Plomin, R. (1985). Environmental differences within the family and adjustment differences within pairs of adolescent siblings. .
  5. Dunn, J., Slomkowski, C., Beardsall, L. (1994). Sibling relationships from the preschool period through middle childhood and early adolescence. .
  6. Lamb, M.E. (1978). The development of sibling relationships in infancy: A short-term longitudinal study. .
  7. Lieberman, A.F. (1993). The Emotional Life of the Toddler.
  8. Minnett, A.M., Vandell, D.L., Santrock, J.W. (1983). The effects of sibling status on sibling interaction: Influence of birth order, age spacing, sex of child, and sex of sibling. .
  9. Newman, J. (1994). Conflict and friendship in sibling relationships: A review. .
  10. Stewart, R.B., Mobley, L.A., Van Tuyl, S.S., Salvador, M.A. (1987). The firstborn's adjustment to the birth of a sibling: A longitudinal assessment. .
  11. Stocker, C., Dunn, J., Plomin, R. (1989). Sibling relationships: Links with child temperament, maternal behavior, and family structure.. .


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