How To Stop Spanking

Even parents who believe in spanking don't like doing it. The best way to stop spanking is to never start. But even if you have used it should be able to stop spanking in a few weeks. For some parents stopping spanking can be hard because it may be the way they were disciplined when they were growing up. Research shows that spanking can encourage your child to act aggressively towards you. Simply put, spanking teaches children that aggression is okay. While spanking may work now while your child is small, it will be hard to spank a 17 year old. Fortunately you are not stuck. There are many things you can do to stop spanking your child.

You first need to make a commitment to try other kids of discipline. Also pay lots of attention your child when they are behaving well. Compliment them and give them praise. Children love this. If your child needs more tangible rewards, try giving marks (See handout). Also spend lots of one-on-one time doing fun things with you child. If you don't have a lot of free time, try using the Special Time technique (See handout)

The following are some other things you can do:

If you feel like you are not making progress in a few weeks, talk to your pediatrician. He or she may be able to help you set up a discipline system that will work for you.