Brothers and Sisters

Probably there is only one thing harder than parenting a toddler. This would be having a toddler for a brother or sister. Toddlers are naturally self-centered. They demand a lot of care and attention. Brothers and sisters of toddlers have to deal with the same kind of challenging behavior. But they don't have the skills and self-control that parents do to cope with toddler demands.

If the toddler is the older sibling, he might actively reject his younger sibling. Your toddler may act out his anger, fear, and sadness. Toddlers can't talk about these confusing feelings, so they may tantrum, hit, or act like babies. For older siblings of toddlers, that sweet baby is now walking, talking, and getting into their stuff! It is very hard for siblings to understand and tolerate a toddler's "no's," tantrums, and messy play. Fighting and tears are common for both the toddler and the sibling. Each child may need special time with you, clear limits and rules, and an extra hug to get through this tough time.

Toddlers can have a hard time when a new baby comes home. They might need special time with you and other caregivers. There are many great children's books to read together about having a new baby at home. A gift might help your toddler feel special, especially when the new baby gets gifts from family and friends.

Older siblings of toddlers may need special alone time with you too. They also might love a place in the house that is just for them-and off-limits to the toddler's busy hands. A box or drawer for siblings can be a safe place to keep their special things.