Getting Help with Feeling Sad, Down, or Depressed: For Parents

Most people have times in their lives when they feel sad, down, or depressed. Sometimes these feelings pass over time and sometimes they develop into a depression problem that requires outside help. If you are struggling with feeling sad, down or depressed, there are things you can do. Do not be afraid to ask for outside help if needed. Depression is a treatable problem and you do not need to be embarrassed about it or suffer alone. It is so important to take care of yourself and is hard to be a good parent if you feel bad. Below if some information that may help you.

Things you can try right away to help yourself feel better:

Signs you may need outside help from a professional:

Getting outside help:

If you ever feel like hurting yourself, talk to your doctor right away or go to the Emergency Department.

Adapted from the SEEK materials from the University of Maryland School of Medicine