Helping Siblings Adjust to the New Baby (Adapted from Bright Futures in Practice, Mental Health; Healthy Steps)

SO you're going to (or do) have ANOTHER baby! Congratulations! A new baby in the family is a great thing... Right? You are happy but you can't help wondering how this will affect your relationship with your older child or children. How will he adjust? Will she accept this new addition to the family or try to send it back? There are some things you can do to help a big brother or sister get ready and make this transition less bumpy. (No one can take out all the bumps but you can avoid some of the potholes).

During pregnancy:

At the hospital (if you get to spend the night):

At home:

Adapted from Jellinek, M. (2000). Bright Futures in Practice, Mental Health

Adapted from Healthy Steps. Edited and Compiled by the Center for Promotion of Child Development Through Primary Care 2011