A note about your child doing things to make you angry

Lots of children want their parent's attention right when the parent is trying to do something else, like talking on the phone. It can be very frustrating. The best thing to do to help prevent this is by giving your child lots and lots of positive attention when you're not busy. Then you and he will feel better about the necessary times of ignoring. Having Special Time every day is a great way to give children positive attention. Special time means spending about 10 to 15 minutes playing with your child and giving him/her your full attention every day no matter how he or she has been behaving. When the alarm or egg timer goes off you say - 'I am sorry special time is over'. See more information in your CHADIS MemoryBook Care Portal. Young kids also benefit from playing 'bye, bye - home now' pretend games like between peek a boo and hide and seek. This was they get more relaxed about you not being right there.