ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Infants 8-12 Months Old
Focus on: Fine Motor Development

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Bath Time.
Let your baby play with plastic measuring cups, cups with handles, sieves and strainers, sponges, and balls that float in the bathtub.

Feeding Oneself.
This gives your baby practice picking up small objects (cereal, cooked peas) and also gives him experience with textures in his hands and mouth. Soon your baby will be able to finger feed an entire meal.

Making Noise.
Give your baby blocks to bang, rattles to shake, or wooden spoons to bang on containers. Show your baby how to bang objects together.

Make a Simple Puzzle.
Put blocks or Ping-Pong balls inside a muffin pan or an egg carton for your baby to rearrange.

Make a Simple Toy.
Cut a round hole in the plastic lid of a coffee can. Give your baby wooden clothespins or Ping-Pong balls to drop inside.

Moving Objects In and Out of Containers.
Give your baby plastic containers with large beads or blocks. Your baby may also enjoy putting socks in and out of the sock drawer or moving small cartons on and off shelves.

Poking at Objects.
Your baby will begin using his index fingers to poke. Let your baby poke at a play telephone or busy box. Your baby will want to poke at faces. Name the body parts as your baby touches your face.

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.