ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Children 60-66 Months Old
Focus on: Social-Emotional Development

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Adding New Twists to Old Classics.
When reading stories to your child, let her make up the ending, or retell favorite stories with "silly" new endings that she makes up.

Encourage Dramatic Play.
Help your child act out his favorite nursery rhyme, cartoon, or story. Use large, old clothes for costumes.

Making Puppets.
Use ice cream sticks, paper bags, socks, or egg carton cups. Decorate the puppets with yarn, pens, buttons, and colored paper. Make a puppet stage by turning a coffee table or card table on its side. Be the audience while your child crouches behind the table and puts on a puppet show.

Practice Pretend Play or Pantomime.
Here are some things to act out: 1) eating hot pizza with stringy cheese; 2) winning a race; 3) finding a giant spider; 4) walking in thick, sticky mud; and 5) making footprints in wet sand. You and your child can come up with more things to act out together.

Simple Cooking Tasks.
Let your child help you with simple cooking tasks such as mashing potatoes, making cheese sandwiches, and fixing a bowl of cereal. Afterward, see if he can tell you the order that you followed to cook and mash the potatoes or to get the bread out of the cupboard and put the cheese on it. Supervise carefully when your child is near a hot stove.

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.