ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Infants 4-8 Months Old
Focus on: Gross Motor Development

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Encourage Independent Sitting.
While sitting on the floor, place your baby in a sitting position inside your legs. Use your legs and chest to provide only as much support as your baby needs. This allows you to play with your baby while encouraging independent sitting.

Encourage Reaching.
Place your baby on his tummy with favorite toys or objects around but just slightly out of reach. Encourage him to reach out for toys and move toward them.

Encourage Rolling.
With your baby lying on his back, place a toy within sight but out of reach, or move a toy across your baby's visual range. Encourage him to roll to get the toy.

Learning to Release Objects.
Your baby will like to throw toys to the floor. Take a little time to play this "go and fetch" game. Give baby a box or pan to practice dropping toys into.

Give Chase.
Once your baby starts rolling or crawling on her tummy, play "come and get me." Let your baby move, then chase after her and hug her when you catch her.

Move to the Rhythm.
Place your baby on your knee facing you. Bounce him to the rhythm of a nursery rhyme. Sing and rock with the rhythm. Help your baby bring his hands together to clap to the rhythm.

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.