ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Children 48-60 Months Old
Focus on: Language Development

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Finding Same or Different.
Take a pack of playing cards and choose four or five matching sets (with similarities in suit, number, or face). Lay the cards out face up, and help your child to find the pairs. Talk about what makes the pairs of cards the "same" and "different."

Learning Important Personal Information.
Encourage your child to learn her full name, address, and telephone number. Make it into a singing or rhyming game for fun. Ask your child to repeat it back to you when you are riding in the car or on the bus.

Play the "Who, What, and Where" Game.
Ask your child who works in a school, what is in a school, and where is the school. Expand on your child's answers by asking more questions. Ask about other topics, like the library, bus stop, or post office.

Play the "What Doesn't Belong" Game.
When you are setting the table for a meal, add a small toy or other object next to the plate and eating utensils. Ask your child if she can tell you what doesn't belong here. You can try this game any time of the day. For example, while brushing your child's hair, set out a brush, barrette, comb, and a ball.

Pretending To Be an Animal.
Encourage your child to use her imagination and become a kitty. You can ask, "What do kitties like to eat?" or "Where do kitties live?" Play along, and see how far the game can go.

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.