ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Children 36-48 Months Old
Focus on: Fine Motor Development

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Cereal Necklaces.
Make a necklace you can eat by stringing Cheerios or Froot Loops on a piece of yarn or string. Wrap a short piece of tape around the end of the string to make a firm tip for stringing.

Copying Drawings.
Find large pieces of paper or cardboard for your child to draw on. Using crayons, pencils, or markers, play a drawing game where you follow his lead by copying exactly what he draws. Next, encourage your child to copy your drawings, such as circles or straight lines.

Easy Homemade Birdfeeder.
Make a bird feeder using peanut butter and birdseed. Help your child find a pinecone or a piece of wood to spread peanut butter on. Roll in or sprinkle with seeds and hang in a tree or outside a window. While your child watches the birds, ask her about the number, size, and color of the different birds that visit.

Practice with Fasteners.
When your child is getting dressed, encourage her to practice with buttons and zippers. Play a game of Peek-a-boo to show her how buttons go through the holes. Pretend the zipper is a choo-choo train going "up and down" the track.

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.