ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Children 30-36 Months Old
Focus on: Language Development

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Fill-in-the-Blank Storytelling.
Tell or read a familiar story and pause frequently to leave out a word, asking your child to "fill it in." For example, Little Red Riding Hood said, "Grandmother, what big ________ you have."

Help Learn New Descriptive Words.
Describe objects in everyday conversations. Describe by color, size, and shape (the blue cup, the big ball). Also, describe how things move (a car goes fast, a turtle moves slowly) and how they feel (ice cream is cold, soup is hot).

Life-Sized Portrait.
Get a piece of butcher paper large enough for your child to lie on. Draw around your child's body to make an outline. Don't forget fingers and toes. Talk about body parts and print the words on the paper. Let your child color the poster. Hang the poster on a wall in your child's room.

Make a Poster of Your Child's Favorite Things.
Use pictures from old magazines. Use safety scissors and paste or a glue stick to allow your child to do it independently, yet safely.

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.