ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Toddlers 24-30 Months Old
Focus on: Cognitive Development

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Comparing Big and Small.
Collect little and big things (balls, blocks, plates). Show and describe (big/little) the objects. Ask your child to give you a big ball, then all of the big balls. Do the same for little. Another big/little game is making yourself big by stretching your arms up high and making yourself little by squatting down.

Following Directions.
Action is an important part of a child's life. Play a game with a ball where you give directions and your child does the actions, such as "Roll the ball." Kick, throw, push, bounce, and catch are other good actions. Take turns giving the directions.

Make "Sound Containers."
Use plastic Easter eggs or pantyhose eggs. Fill eggs with noisy objects like sand, beans, or rice and tape the eggs shut. Have two eggs for each sound. Help your child match sounds and put them back in an egg carton together.

Play "Follow the Leader."
Walk on tiptoes, walk backward, and walk slow or fast with big steps and little steps.

Play Target Toss.
Use a large bucket or box and beanbags or balls. Help your child count how many she gets in the target. A ball of yarn or rolled-up socks also work well for an indoor target game.

Shaping Dough.
Show your child how to make snakes or balls or how to roll out pancakes with a small rolling pin using playdough. Use large cookie cutters to make new playdough shapes.

Stringing It Together.
Wrap tape around one end of a piece of yarn to make it stiff like a needle and put a large knot at the other end. Have your child string large elbow macaroni, buttons, spoons, or beads. Make an edible necklace out of Cheerios.

A Trip to the Library.
Children at this age love outings. One special outing can be going to the library. The librarian can help you find appropriate books. Make a special time for reading (like bedtime stories).

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.