ASQ Helpful Learning Activities for Infants 12-16 Months Old
Focus on: Language Development

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Helping Clean Up.
Play "feed the wastebasket" or "give it to Mommy or Daddy."

Helping with Daily Routines.
Encourage your baby to "get" the cup and spoon for mealtime, to "find" shoes and coat for dressing, and to "bring" the pants or diaper for changing. Following directions is an important skill for your baby to learn.

Make Puppets.
Use a sock or paper bag to make one for you and one for your baby. Have your puppet talk to your baby or your baby's puppet. Encourage your baby to "talk" back.

Name Desired Objects.
When your baby "asks" for something by vocalizing or pointing, respond to his signal. Name the object your baby wants and encourage him to communicate again - taking turns with each other in a "conversation."

Play the Name Game.
Name body parts, common objects, and people. This lets your baby know that everything has a name and helps her begin to learn these names.

Pretend Play.
Using a stuffed animal or doll, show and tell your baby what the doll is doing (walking, going to bed, eating, dancing across a table). See if your baby will make the doll move and do things as you ask. Take turns.

Talk about Upcoming Events.
Prepare your baby for a future activity or trip by talking about it beforehand. Your baby will feel like a part of what is going on rather than being just an observer. It may also help reduce some fear of being "left behind."

Adapted from ASQ-3TM User's Guide by Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter. © 2009 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.