Babbling and Moving

Your nine month old is probably on the move a lot! Many motor milestones are being met at this busy time. By this age many babies learn to crawl, some can pull to stand and move holding onto furniture. Your baby may begin to take a few steps on his own in the coming weeks. These are all skills that help your child learn to walk. Children learn to walk at many different ages-so keep in mind that your child is an individual! If you have any questions about your child's motor skills, ask your pediatrician.

You may be discovering that your child is making more sounds as well as moving more. Your child may be able to babble using several vowel and consonant sounds. You may soon hear a "mama" or "dada," although you're not sure your child actually meant mama or dada. Your child is probably paying more attention to adult speech. He may even respond to your mention of a favorite toy by looking around for it. Babies usually understand more than they can say at this age, but soon you may be hearing words. Watch and see how much your child tries to imitate your talking!

Adapted from Healthy Steps. Edited and Compiled by the Center for Promotion of Child Development Through Primary Care 2011