Creating a Daily Report Card

Many teachers are open to the idea of sending home a little report card for a student every day. Set up a daily report card that focuses on positive behaviors. Select behaviors that you (and your child and your child's teachers) want to see increase. Think of these as positive goals for change.

While daily report cards are done to make things better, sometimes they can make things worse! This happens if it is a list of problem behaviors each day. No parent (or kid) likes to hear about problems every day! When bad daily report cards turn into punishments at home, children start to dread going to school and returning home.

Here are some ideas for creating a positive daily report card:

Example daily behavior report card

Daniel's Daily Behavior Report Card

Please initial each thing Daniel did well today.

1) Daniel used his inside voice 75% of the day. ___________

2) Daniel turned in his spelling homework. __________

3) Daniel followed directions from teacher 75% of the time. _________

Homework assignments: