Limiting Media Use

Use of electronic media is often so engaging that children prefer this activity over everything else. That may mean that children resist getting exercise, being outdoors, spending face-to face time with friends and family and taking care of responsibilities such as hygiene, homework and family chores. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all families make a daily schedule that includes all of these activities as well as sets times of day and small amounts of media use. Children should be included in making this plan but adult judgment needs to prevail. If a child does not keep to the schedule a consequence is appropriates such as no media the next day. Planning out all the things a child needs in his or her life is a good start to the kind of self regulation of media use children need as teens and then later as adults. In addition, all electronics should be locked up away from the child's bedroom at bedtime to avoid temptation or sleep interruption from less well-managed peers.