Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Psychiatry -- by Philip Muskin (Author) (Book)
"Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Psychiatry will start psychiatrists and other mental health professionals on the journey toward a more complete understanding of the most common CAM...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
Cutting Edge Medicine -- by Nada Stotland (Author) (Book)
"Cutting-Edge Medicine: What Psychiatrists Need to Know offers a comprehensive overview of recent developments in cardiovascular illness, gastrointestinal disorders, transplant medicine, and...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
Psychological Trauma -- by Rachel Yehuda (Author) (Book)
"Psychological Trauma reviews the theory of traumatic exposure as a major factor in psychological disorders like PTSD. It also addresses the differing outcomes of such exposure as well as exciting...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
P-ChIPS--Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes--Parent Version (Book)
"The Parent Version of the ChIPS essentially consists of the same interview text altered from second to third person to address the parent rather than the child (e.g., "Have you ever" is changed to...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
Chronic Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents -- by John Looney (Author) (Book)
"This reference looks at many of the problems encountered in treating chronically mentally ill youngsters such as: determining the population of this group; improving the method and quality of care...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
Let's Talk Facts About Psychotherapy -- by American Psychiatric Association (Author) (Book)
"Each Let's Talk Facts About pamphlet contains an overview of the illness, its symptoms, and the illness's effect on family and friends. A bibliography and list of resources make them ideal for...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
Cults and New Religious Movements -- by Marc Galanter (Author) (Book)
?I greatly appreciated this book, primarily because of the diverse perspectives and multidisciplinary approach. I recommend this book to all mental health professionals and individuals from other...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
Psychiatric Aspects of Symptom Management in Cancer Patients -- by William Breitbart, Jimmie Holland (Authors) (Book)
"This volume integrates the latest information from psychiatry, palliative care, oncology, and behavioral medicine on the mental health professional's role in the management of often disturbing and...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
Contemporary Issues in the Treatment of Schizophrenia -- by Christian Shriqui, Henry Nasrallah (Authors) (Book)
"Rarely has a book focused in so comprehensive a manner on the treatment of schizophrenia. Contemporary Issues in the Treatment of Schizophrenia covers the spectrum of therapeutic approaches to the...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)
Clinical Manual of Supportive Psychotherapy -- by Peter Novalis, Stephen Rojcewicz, Roger Peele (Authors) (Book)
"This is comprehensive guide to the specific modality of supportive psychotherapy by three experienced clinicians. It documents the wide applicability of supportive psychotherapy, beyond its usual...
All Ages
Age groups: Adulthood (22+)